Bournemouth Chamber of Trade & Commerce

Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce


Set and achieve carbon pledges for free

The Economic Development team at BCP Council has allocated government grant funding for 250 businesses across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole to set and achieve their own carbon pledges for free for a year.

This initiative is currently being rolled out through a partnership with Climate Essentials, an online carbon management platform that makes climate action easy, engaging, and links to the SME Climate Hub #TogetherForOurPlanet campaign.

Climate Essentials helps understand, manage and reduce your carbon footprint.

What have others said about Climate Essentials?

A growing number of businesses have already signed up to this exclusive opportunity since the funding was announced earlier this year. Here’s what they told us:

IEC Ltd is a family owned Poole based engineering specialist in the supply of mechanical components. Anna K, Lead QHSE Engineer, said: “I found Climate Essentials to be very effective in understanding of CO2 emissions and control to achieve NET Zero for a company as soon as possible. I believe use platform will be helpful to promote sustainable behaviour within a company and would save time in reporting of emissions”

NFF Precision Limited, based at Bournemouth Airport, provides a manufacturing service to the aerospace and defence industries. Chris Sheppard, Operations Manager, said: “I am well underway with the platform, having generated the figures. We’re now looking internally into what we can do to specific areas to help with reduction. Overall, the platform is easy enough to use and provides some nicely presented data.”

Climate Essentials is available at no cost for one year to all SMEs with up to 250 employees based within the BCP Council geographical area. Larger employers are invited to contact us to discuss other options available. 

To join the journey to being a carbon neutral business or to request more information email

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