Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce


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Weekly lateral flow testing now available for businesses

Public Health Dorset, on behalf of Dorset and BCP Councils, has set up a Dorset Rapid Community Testing service for local businesses. Any business whose staff cannot work from home, due to the...

Resort management taskforce planned for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

As spring and summer approach, it is important we are fully prepared and ready to both welcome back visitors and keep residents safe when government guidance changes. A resort management...

85-year old Molly Rides to London in aid of Lewis-Manning Hospice Care!

An incredible 85-year old lady, name Molly Tarrant from Poole in Dorset has taken on a cycling challenge, named #MollyRidesTolondon, to raise funds for Lewis-Manning Hospice Care in Poole. Molly is a...

TC Group: Detailed guidance on VAT deferral scheme

HMRC has now provided further detailed guidance notes on your payment options for VAT that was deferred in 2020. The original deferral scheme was introduced to assist VAT registered businesses so that...

Love Seafood – Webinar ‘marketing masterclasses’ for seafood businesses

Seafish – as part of Love Seafood B2B activity – launches a series of three webinar ‘marketing masterclasses’ for seafood businesses. Aimed at independent restaurants, fishmongers and fish and chip...