Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce


Latest News

✅ Apply for ‘We’re Good to Go’

A message from BCP Council! This is a reminder to say that if you haven’t already applied for the ‘We’re Good to Go’ Visit Britain Accreditation. Please do so! – if you...

Step 3 restrictions to remain in place

The government has announced a four week pause at Step 3 in the roadmap out of lockdown. You should continue to follow the national guidance on what you can and cannot do. It is expected that England...

BCP Council: Funding community projects in Bournemouth and Poole

£1.2 million in Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Neighbourhood Portion Funding is available for local community projects across Bournemouth and Poole. The funding is open to bids from residents...

Have your Say on Homelessness in the BCP area

The You Are The Media community is working with Bournemouth University on an initiative to address homelessness within the area. A focus group is starting this week and input from those who work...

BCP Council: Business grants and innovative project funding update

This week we announced that business support organisations, groups representing the retail, hospitality, leisure and welfare sectors and local Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) will collectively...

‘Angel Investing is a team sport’ – wisdom shared by CEO of UKBAA at Dorset Business Angels ‘A- Z investor event’

Dorset Business Angels (DBA) hosted a brand-new event with the aim of encouraging more women into Angel investing.  The webinar entitled, the ‘A-Z of Angel Investing’ was hosted by UK Business Angels...