Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce


Have Your Say on BCP’s vision, priorities and objectives

BCP would like to hear your thoughts on the draft vision, priorities and key objectives for our new corporate strategy. The draft sets out the Council’s vision, priorities and high-level objectives. It will be underpinned by a council wide delivery plan of actions for the next four years.

Have Your Say on BCP’s vision, priorities and objectives

We all know that we live and work in a place brimming with potential. From Highcliffe to Hamworthy, Broadstone to Boscombe this is not one town or three – but somewhere that celebrates multiple identities, cultures and opportunities at the same time. It’s a place where people aspire to stay – as residents, visitors, students, or businesses. 

There are a number of ways you can take part and give us your views, we would like you to do as many as you are able to.

    • Our Survey use the survey to tell us your views on our draft vision, priorities and objectives, suggest changes and tell us anything we’ve missed.
    • Our ideas wall – use the ideas wall to tell us what you think we can do to achieve the objectives.
    • Share you story – we are inviting you to tell us what it’s like for you running a business in the area. Share with us what works and what could do with improvement.

Here is the link Our vision, priorities and objectives | Have Your Say Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (

We would also like to ask you to promote this to your workforce – it’s important we hear from people living and working in the area. Please will you support by promoting either on your intranet, email or the poster attached.

 Thank you for your support.

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