Bournemouth Chamber of Trade & Commerce

Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce


Dorset Rapid Community Testing

Public Health Dorset, on behalf of BCP Council and Dorset Council, is setting up a Dorset Community Rapid Testing Service. This will aim to offer weekly asymptomatic testing to employees of businesses, charities and voluntary organisations (<250 people) and the self-employed across Dorset who cannot work from home due to the nature of their role.

One in three people who have Covid-19 show no symptoms and can therefore spread it without knowing.

To qualify for testing, your business must either provide an essential service or support the vulnerable.

This service is for people who don’t already have access to asymptomatic testing. If your organisation wants access to the rapid testing service you must register its interest online

Find out more here.

Apply for a Kickstart Scheme grant

If you are an employer looking to create job placements for young people, you can apply for funding as part of the Kickstart Scheme. You no longer need a minimum of 30 job placements to apply and  can spread the start date of the placements up until end December 2021.

Apply online or get help from a Kickstart Gateway such as Dorset Chamber of Commerce.

If you need help with the Kickstart Scheme process, contact your local Kickstart Scheme contacts. For promotional materials, check out theKickstart Scheme employer guide.